When I tell people I see the world through "rose colored glasses" I mean it literally. Many people with
Sjogren's and dry eyes also have light sensitivity. FL-41 tinted
glasses are glasses with a rosy tint that can help people with problems including light
sensitivity, blepharospasm, and migraine headaches. In addition, to the attraction of the optimistic metaphor for someone dealing with illness, these glasses have been a great help to me in improving my ability to do more with my eyes daily. While
researchers aren’t exactly sure why the Fl-41 tint helps those with light
sensitivity, they think it may have to do with blocking green and blue wave
lengths of light. I found that these lenses are an alternative to my wearing sun glasses indoors and in the evenings. They make it easier for me to
read, work on a computer, and be in an environment with very bright lights.
FL-41 tinting is available through the University of Utah John
A. Moran Eye Center; you can mail your glasses to them and have them tinted
for $25.00. If you are understandably ambivalent about changing your glasses without
knowing if the tint helps, you can opt to have a clip-on made that fits your
existing glasses for about $125.00. If your glasses have a glare resistant
coating (which mine do), they cannot be tinted so you have to go with the clip-on option. Within about 10 days of sending my glasses to Utah, my
FL-41 clip-on and glasses arrived safely back to me. You can also
have your glasses customized with darker or lighter tinting depending on
whether you want indoor specs or sunglasses.
You can see the before and after pictures of my glasses with the FL-41 clip above. I call them my John Lennon glasses because they do look a bit alternative and funky, and I mean that in a good way.
Check out the Moran’s Center website here for more information: http://uuhsc.utah.edu/MoranEyeCenter/patientcare/FL-41_faq.html.